Here's a sampling from that session. Warts and all.
Written on January 23, 2000
Trying to expand my usual writing style with mixed results. Not fond of my vocals, they are too strident, and I was really heavy into the vibrato in this time period. But I like the guitar riff and the idea is solid and reflects my distaste with fads, doing the "in thing" not because you wanted to, but because you felt compelled to. Darned engineer can be heard banging away and having a conversation in the background.
The Dream
Written on August 20, 2000
I think I was in a Cat Steven phase, wanting to write something pretty with more complex guitar pieces beyond my usual strums, which is something I admired in my brother's songwriting. Lyrically, it goes corny with the poetic imagery. Vocals are sticky, too syrupy and that vibrato(!) -wince- and I was holding my breath when playing the guitar, so you can hear me breathing when I let the air out, Dear Lord -face palm-
I cupped the dream within my hands, and washed away the traces
Easier Said Than Done
Written in 1989
An older number I hauled around for years. Nothing mind blowing, just a popper using magic and tricks as the lyrical motif.
Nothing here broken a little alibi won't find - oh no!
Written on January 23, 2000
Trying to expand my usual writing style with mixed results. Not fond of my vocals, they are too strident, and I was really heavy into the vibrato in this time period. But I like the guitar riff and the idea is solid and reflects my distaste with fads, doing the "in thing" not because you wanted to, but because you felt compelled to. Darned engineer can be heard banging away and having a conversation in the background.
I won't follow the leader, I'm not into the fad
I don't care what's hot, I find that scene so terribly sad
If you don't like my honesty, well that's too bad
I'm just a human being, I don't wanna play this game
Why can't be real
I'm not good looking, I don't have a killer smile
I'm not an actor I won't dazzle you with style
All I can give you is the truth, but if you'd rather serve the lie
So conscience of their opinions, well I can't understand why
I wanna be human, and if I don't clique
And if I'm without peer, why worry about it
Why shed a tear, I wanna be human
I wanna be real, I wanna feel.... human
Who cares what they're wearing, what's the point if it's not me
It's what's in your heart that's worth sharing, that's all I wanna see
So we stick out like sore thumbs, so we don't have the latest toys
You're more than hairstyle and jewelry, you're more than strategies and plots
Who are you, that's all I want you to be
You gotta be true, don't have to work to impress me
You just gotta be human, just gotta be real
Just want you to feel.... human
I don't want none of this nonsense
I don't want none of this pretense
The Dream
Written on August 20, 2000
I think I was in a Cat Steven phase, wanting to write something pretty with more complex guitar pieces beyond my usual strums, which is something I admired in my brother's songwriting. Lyrically, it goes corny with the poetic imagery. Vocals are sticky, too syrupy and that vibrato(!) -wince- and I was holding my breath when playing the guitar, so you can hear me breathing when I let the air out, Dear Lord -face palm-
I cupped the dream within my hands, and washed away the traces
When joy was etched, across the sky, and a smile was more in fashion
Than anger that now embraces
And in the dream, there was a girl I once knew
I married her but true, to the scenery, even that's born bitter fruit
And granite hearts have taken root
And granite hearts have taken root
And now, in fever sweat, like rivers on my brow
I see that I can't see as well as once was clear to me
And what's really dear to me
She held a rose as red as blood, tangled within silken fingers
Head tilted slight, as tears rained down as thick as night
Delicate features melting, from my mind
Burned away, by harsh light
It Never Occurred to Me
Written in 1994
Good work on the words and music, a reflection on life. While not earth shatteringly different, but something melodically beyond my norm at the time.
I used to live with my first girlfriend
It Never Occurred to Me
Written in 1994
Good work on the words and music, a reflection on life. While not earth shatteringly different, but something melodically beyond my norm at the time.
I used to live with my first girlfriend
She used to be the constant thorn in my side
I used to have 20/20 vision
I used to sleep peacefully at night
But hey! I just can't ignore it, I was lost before it
Just never occurred to me
I used to have a set of values
I used to be so young and strong
I used to have a younger sister
She left us all before too long
But hey! I just can't restore it, I was blind before it
Just never occurred to me
Hey! Someone tell me something, someone give me something
Hey! Someone tell me something, someone give me something
Hey! Someone show me something, someone break it to me... gently
I used to look through a ripe and golden eye
I used to think it would all be fine
I used to think I would be an artist
Now I work in a bookstore making $7.09
The Downward Spiral
Written Jan/Feb 2000
The title's associated with Trent Reznor, but I was clueless to that, and at the time I wrote it I thought it was unique and I felt pretty clever when I came up with the word. Another where I'm trying to expand my pop rock sensibilities. I think with a full band and a better production, it would have been killer.
The Downward Spiral
Written Jan/Feb 2000
The title's associated with Trent Reznor, but I was clueless to that, and at the time I wrote it I thought it was unique and I felt pretty clever when I came up with the word. Another where I'm trying to expand my pop rock sensibilities. I think with a full band and a better production, it would have been killer.
Lot of flats in this one, with a few F#
I got lost somewhere along the way
I got lost somewhere along the way
I don't know how, I don't know why
Was hit blindsided and left for dead
I don't know how, I don't know where
I was caught unaware, didn't see it coming, now I don't care
I was fast asleep, and, too dumb struck to weep
I've swallowed to much defeat and pain
It's all gone black, am I insane
I rattle my chains but all I make is noise
And all my dreams, are hollow ploys
I was caught unaware, didn't see it coming, now I don't care
I was fast asleep, and, too dumb struck to weep
I can't get away. I can't break free
I'm trapped on a course that's killing me
Oh, run away, I can't run away
From the man I am, and even though I'm screaming
I'm locked into the downward spiral
Easier Said Than Done
Written in 1989
An older number I hauled around for years. Nothing mind blowing, just a popper using magic and tricks as the lyrical motif.
Nothing here broken a little alibi won't find - oh no!
No grand illusion, just a bag of tricks
No sleight of hand, nothing up my sleeve
No explanations so there's nothing to believe
Nostradamus got nothing on you
Cause the future you see has the clearest view
And you swear to God I will never change
At least nothing a swift kick can't rearrange
You can take it at face value, you can take it on the run
You can sound so tough, sincere, and true, but it's easier said than done
You say there's no dust on your crystal ball
It's easy to see the writing on the wall
But your words are muddled and the meaning opaque
I'm beginning to suspect this was all a big mistake
You Gotta Hold On
Written on December 21, 1999
One of my less heavy-handed Jesus songs. I like the music, though my playing leaves much to be desired in spots.
Been a long time since I cracked a smile
You Gotta Hold On
Written on December 21, 1999
One of my less heavy-handed Jesus songs. I like the music, though my playing leaves much to be desired in spots.
Been a long time since I cracked a smile
Didn't mean for it to turn out this way
This heavy sadness been hovering over me for a while
A stubborn companion who follows me throughout the day
And I met your smile with a dismissive shrug
So friendly with despair I've become remote and smug
You had a light you wanted to share, but I didn't care
I've grown comfortable in the dark
But you kept me alive, and if I'm to survive
Oh Lord, if I'm to survive
You gotta hold on, gotta hold on he'd say
Paradise is coming your way
You gotta hold on, gotta hold on, he'd say
Paradise is just along the way
Please tell me why you are so sad
You can't tell me your life is all bad
You're always so serious with furrowed brow
You need to come out, and breathe
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