I'm between 13 to 15 when I get my first guitar, a Washburn, this too comes from Karen, with a little nudging from her mother, Delores (I believe it was to be sold at a yard sale). And at age 16 I write my first song.
In High School, I join my brother's band, and full of zeal I just took over, and give the band a name.
I even design unique lettering and create a logo for T-shirts and drum. The line-up was me on vocals and rhythm guitar, Troy D on lead and backing vox, Mike F on Bass, and Bob J on drums. The first time we played to an audience, was at a Junior High School graduation concert in '79. I was 18
So that was my journey, and here are the first songs I wrote, that survived. They're not amazing, and the recordings are weak, but they're where it all began
And if I Should Be Alone
Written in 1978
The first song I wrote was a simplistic Beatlesque little ditty that is catchy and naïve. It would be nice to have a time machine, to go back and see the process, I have no memory of what finally gave me the push to go from doing covers to creating originals, but I do remember my parents humming the tune around the house, and the surprise when they discovered their son had penned the thing.
And if I should be alone, all I have to do is pick up the phone
Cause I know, you'll be there
Who am I without you, I can't make it until we are two
Cause you know, I need you
Our love is right
I need you every night
Do you need me
Or is this too good to let it be
Kelly's Song
Kelly's Song
Written in 1978
I believe this was my second attempt at a song, and despite the simplicity musically, and lyrically, an improvement. It took me a while to finish it, the last verse was written a year later. I'm tapping into my real life, writing about a real person rather than an abstraction... though it's a fictionalized reality, written by a dumb, naive kid with an infatuation (I didn't really even know her. Looking at a school yearbook, I see she was involved with sports, I wasn't aware of that back then. Heck, I didn't even spell her name correctly, it was Kellie). But the thing I liked about her was that she was kind, she'd talk to you like you were a human being. I was a nerd, a sensitive artist type, and not one of the cool kids, but unlike others, she didn't treat me like I was gum on the bottom of her shoe, she talked to me like I had value, and that's what made her beautiful, that's why I wrote a song dedicated to her.
This was played during that graduation show, the first original to be heard by a large audience.
I watch you from a distance, with love in my heart
And knowing someone else has you, it's tearing me apart
But acting like a fool won't bring you closer me
Guess I'll always be too blind to see
Too shy to say hello, and I'm too shy to speak of love
So I guess I'll always be, the fool, falling flat on my back
Is it love that I feel, is it love that is real
When I see you again, I know that I'm sure
That I want you now like I wanted you then
And you know, that my feeling are quite pure
And I dream of you, from time to time
And I write you songs that strain to rhyme
And though my love is strong and true
It's never been revealed to you
If We Try
If We Try
Written in 1979
Another I found it buried in an old cassette, I still have the original paper, handwritten lyrics with tabs, the title was "Song of a Steril Vision", lord my pretensions. This one I have a vague recollection of, and it's another with pleasant hooks, standard chord arrangements, and cornball lyrics, but I can see I'm trying to push myself there (though I became a better wordsmith, I never shed the melodrama).
No, I haven't seen it all, and I don't claim control
Over things that I don't know
But I can see your passion, in every fashion
And I believe in me and you
So don't deny it, and don't crucify it.
Cause you can believe my feelings are real
Don't say it can't work, don't turn on the red alert
All you need do is give it a chance
Now I don't deny, I'm not the perfect guy
But love can grow if we try
So don't leave me in the cold, don't let this love fold
What you need is someone dear to hold
All I know
All I know
Written in 1979
A love song that touches on my naivety, and that I was a quiet person, who kept to himself (though sometimes I make it sound like I'm from outer space... "Feelings hard to understand"? but maybe that is how teenagers feel. There's also the comedic melodrama -the line about leaving the womb).
This, and the first two tracks I recorded simply, as acoustic numbers in late June, and early July 2022, I'm in my 60s and my voice is weakening, but I tried to get it in shape enough for these, my first recordings in over 6 years.
I used to stay away, closed up in my room
Found it hard enough, separating from the womb
I tried to find meaning in songs, their stories held so true
But I never really understood until I opened my life to you
I used to be alone, and I thought I liked my style
But I realized I was wrong when I saw your smile
It's funny but I never found love before
The insecurities always left me a bit unsure
Now all I know is loving you
All I believe in is a love that is true
All I need is your tender touch
And the memories that I cherish so much
These feelings are strange to me and hard to understand
You helped me to cope, you let me hold your hand
At times I find it hard to express when words get in my way
So I'll leave it for you to comprehend when I say
Written 1979, final version done in 1999
Should I include this among the songs written in this time frame? I worked on this for years but never could get it where I wanted it. I had the chorus rolling around in my head, but didn't know what to do with it, until I met a really chatty girl, who could just talk and talk forever, so that became this comedy, played for laughs... and it did receive those when I'd play it, so I guess it did the job. Is it mean? Maybe but the intention was playful. Recorded at a studio in Yakima on October 26, 2000
Wouldn't you know it, yeah I should have been aware
But her eyes caught me off guard
Oh, and then there was the color of her hair
As for conversation, more like a freight train
A one-sided monologue, her voice was the hammer
And the anvil, my brain
She babbled on and on and on and on
And I can't get a word in...
On and on and on and on
And I can't get a word in edgewise.
Can you hear it, like a band saw
Or the crunch, crunch, crunch of a locust horde
Didn't see it coming, no I was knocked comatose
By the flash of her smile
But soon I was cast adrift, a man overboard
Don't get me wrong, I like a woman with a mind
No, I don't mind a little light chatter
But her tongue is like a sword and it's my head on the platter
Don't get me wrong...
Surviving Songs from 1978 to 1985
1978: And If I Should Be Alone, Kelly's Song
1979: If We Try, All I Know, Babylon
1980: Rain, Dear Joan, Lifeblood, The Night This Town Died, The Mutant Force, Carbon Copy Life, And You (on Grace), Sonja (on Wednesday's Child), One Dark Night (On Wednesday Again), Atomic Man, and Bullet Sweet (not recorded)
1981: Modern Girl, My Heart Goes Out, Julie
1982: Wendy (on Wednesday's Child), Our Love
1983: The Window (On Wednesday Again), Whisper Goodbye (crap)
1983: The Window (On Wednesday Again), Whisper Goodbye (crap)
1984: Angel
1985: The Marry Me Song, I Only Want to Be with You
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